Contact Us
Automated information is available by phone 24 hours a day.
Our Guest Services team would be happy to serve you.
Our Contact Centre hours are:
Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 20:00 EST
Weekends & Holidays: 09:00 - 17:00 EST
Reach us directly at:
1-844-GET-ON-UP (438-6687)
Local: 416-869-3300
TTY: 1-800-387-3652 (teletypewriters only)
Fax: 416-869-1662
Contact Us Form
Please tell us about your experience

Please complete the form below and we'll do our best to get back to you within 48 hours.
*Indicates required fields
Please enter your first name
Please enter your last name

Please enter time in the format HH:MM.
Please enter your time of travel
Please select a location
Please select a location
Daytime telephone number
Do you require a response?
Please enter your address
Please enter your city
Please enter your postal/zip code
Please select your country
Please enter your email address
Please confirm your email address
Please select a reason for contacting us
Please enter your message
Your personal information is being collected under the authority of the Metrolinx Act, 2006, S.O. 2006, CHAPTER 16, s.5.
Your personal information will be used to respond to your inquiry. Please do not include any personal or financial information, for example your credit card numbers.
Please see our Privacy Policy.
Metrolinx is committed to protecting consumer credit card data in compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Our alignment with this standard is reflected in the people, technologies and processes we employ.
Questions about this collection should be directed to:
Manager, Customer Contact, Metrolinx,
97 Front Street West,
M5J 1E6
, (416) 869-3600.